
Message from the Mayor

Pontevedra has formulated its Ten-Year Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) with the Municipal Socio-Economic Profile which serves as our road map in pursuing our Vision, shared goals and collective objectives toward inclusive growth.

As a promising urbanizing local government unit in this part of our beloved province Negros Occidental, Pontevedra contributes a lot to the development and progress of the Region, being one of the pillars of the sugar industry and part of the province’s Food Basket.

Pontevedra possesses valuable assets such as fertile soil, marine-rich municipal water, presence of good road network, basic government services for the convenience, safety and welfare of its populace, peace and order and very low crime rate, and most importantly its human resource composed of highly-skilled intelligent and educated people, many of whom are practising professionals.

God bless us all.

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A Quick Look At Pontevedra

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Municipal Hall of Pontevedra.

Negros South Road

Pontevedra, Negros Occidental

Email: youremail@yourdomain.com

Phone: +34 123 456 789

Fax: +34 987 654 321

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